Bon Jeu

Novel 643 Congress St, Portland, ME, United States

Practice your French while playing games !

French Conversation Table

Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street, Portland, United States

Come join our French conversation table in Portland every first and third Saturday of the month at 10am! At Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street EVERYONE IS WELCOME! VIVE LA FRANCOPHONIE!

Portland Rendezvous

AC Hotel 158 Fore St, Portland, ME, United States

“Portland Rendezvous,” is a casual gathering of francophiles and francophones, who meet twice a month on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 7 pm during “Happy Hour” at the AC Hotel in Portland’s East End. The only “rule” is that one must speak only French. To join, sign up through Meetup. You will be asked to briefly tell why you’d like ...

Conférence OH ! Les Arts de la table

The Alliances Françaises of Portugal, Spain, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Accueil de la Haye are delighted to be joining forces once again to bring you another in a series of lectures on the essentials of French culture. Let yourself be guided by Giulia FRANCESCHINI during an online conference on The Art of the Table. This event is free ...

French Conversation Table

Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street, Portland, United States

Come join our French conversation table in Portland every first and third Saturday of the month at 10am! At Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street EVERYONE IS WELCOME! VIVE LA FRANCOPHONIE!

Portland Rendezvous

AC Hotel 158 Fore St, Portland, ME, United States

“Portland Rendezvous,” is a casual gathering of francophiles and francophones, who meet twice a month on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 7 pm during “Happy Hour” at the AC Hotel in Portland’s East End. The only “rule” is that one must speak only French. To join, sign up through Meetup. You will be asked to briefly tell why you’d like ...

Tintamarre Film Showing

This feature documentary pays homage to the special character of an enduring people: the Acadians. Two hundred years after Expulsion of the Acadians by the British (1755–1764), Acadian culture is still very much alive. But why do Acadians—whose ancestors founded the first colony in North America—have to keep making a racket to tell the world they're still here? Learn more ...

La Chandeleur

MHNO - Hill House 92 Congress St, Portland, United States

French Conversation Table

Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street, Portland, United States

Come join our French conversation table in Portland every first and third Saturday of the month at 10am! At Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street EVERYONE IS WELCOME! VIVE LA FRANCOPHONIE!