March is the month of Francophonie!

March 20 is known internationally as Francophonie Day. French is spoken on all five continents and is the fifth most spoken language on the planet. Maine has a rich French history, which is still vibrant thanks to Mainers of Acadian, Cajun or Quebecois origins, of Francophone African descent or Francophone European origin. Alliance Française du Maine is honored to partner ...


Milk & Honey of Swallowtail Farm 84 Cove Street, Portland, ME, United States

Venez célébrer La Chandeleur avec l’Alliance Française, et vous régaler de crêpes en bonne compagnie! RSVP à

Come celebrate La Chandeleur with us!

Milk & Honey of Swallowtail Farm 84 Cove Street, Portland, ME, United States

You are invited to come celebrate La Chandeleur with us! We'll observe this popular holiday with crêpes and a variety of delicious toppings. All ages are invited and welcome to attend! There will be activities for children and it will be a fun opportunity to practice conversing in French! RSVP to

King Cake – Galette des Rois

Milk & Honey of Swallowtail Farm 84 Cove Street, Portland, ME, United States

Come and join us for this year's delicious Galette des Rois!

Goûter Galette des Rois

Milk & Honey of Swallowtail Farm 84 Cove Street, Portland, ME, United States

Venez déguster avec nous la Galette des Rois !

Pot de fin d’Année

Custom House 312 Fore Street, Portland, ME, United States

Venez nous rejoindre à notre Pot de fin d'Année, mercredi 11 décembre, 17h30 à 19h00, dans l'ancien batiment du Custom House, 312 Fore st à Portland. Nous célébrerons ensemble notre jeune organisation qui continue à grandir, aidant les Francophones et Francophiles du Maine à se connecter autour de leur héritage commun. Afin de gagner un peu d'argent pour nos futurs ...

End of the Year Potluck

Custom House 312 Fore Street, Portland, ME, United States

Please come and join us to raise a glass together as the year comes to an end. We have a lot to celebrate, as our small organisation is growing, helping local Francophones and Francophiles connect and rejoice over their common heritage. On Wednesday December 11, from 5.30 to 7pm, we will celebrate in the beautiful old Custom House, 312 Fore ...