Une Soirée Musicale avec Joelle Morris

Cadenza 5 Depot St, Freeport, ME, United States

Join us in Freeport for the performance of Joelle Morris, Mezzo Soprano, singing French classic songs with accompanying pianist Mesa Schubeck! Cadenza, 5 Depot St, Freeport, ME Register online, pay at the door $15 for AFDUME members, $25 for non members


Cooking class in French with Justine Corbi

Bravo Maine, 559 Brighton Ave, Portland / All levels / For AFduME members only ($70 / 12 persons max) Cook and eat dinner in French! Come home with the skills and taste to bring a French touch to your cooking. This event will cover the following recipes: Boeuf Bourguignon, Parpadelles fraiches, and Tartelettes aux framboises.