All day streaming access to Quebec film “Respire” (2022, directed by Onur Karaman)
Free event / Streaming link will be shared on our Instagram page
Free event / Streaming link will be shared on our Instagram page
Join us in Freeport for the performance of Joelle Morris, Mezzo Soprano, singing French classic songs with accompanying pianist Mesa Schubeck! Cadenza, 5 Depot St, Freeport, ME Register online, pay at the door $15 for AFDUME members, $25 for non members
Bravo Maine, 559 Brighton Ave, Portland / All levels / For AFduME members only ($70 / 12 persons max) Cook and eat dinner in French! Come home with the skills and taste to bring a French touch to your cooking. This event will cover the following recipes: Boeuf Bourguignon, Parpadelles fraiches, and Tartelettes aux framboises.