Book Discussion “La Saint Tous Là”
Join us to meet the French author, actor and singer Tangi Colombel as he discusses his new novel!
Join us to meet the French author, actor and singer Tangi Colombel as he discusses his new novel!
Webinaire gratuit sur le vin: "10 critères pour comprendre le vin français" par Alexis Caraux de Tour, en France. Mercredi 10 mai, 18h00. Présentation en français et en anglais. RSVP avec nom et adresse email. On vous enverra le lien Zoom.
Free Webinar to understand how to read French wine labels and get to know French wine. Wednesday May 10, 6pm. Presentation in French and English, by Alexis Caraux, from Tour, France. RSVP with name and email address. We'll send you the Zoom link.
Come join our French conversation table in Portland every first Saturday of the month at 10am! At Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street EVERYONE IS WELCOME! VIVE LA FRANCOPHONIE!
Come discover or re-discover the beautiful Portland Museum of Arts, in FRENCH! A bilingual docent will guide you around diverse exhibitions. This free event for members of AFduME requires you to sign up as places in the visiting group are limited.
Come join our French conversation table in Portland every first Saturday of the month starting April 1st at 10am! At Burundi Star Coffee 261 St John Street EVERYONE IS WELCOME! VIVE LA FRANCOPHONIE!
Meet Philippe Dewost, author of "De Mémoire Vive-Une Histoire de l'Aventure Numérique" ("Random Access Memories (RAM)-A History of the Digital Adventure") "...if you don't understand why your children speak to their smartphone placed horizontally in front of their mouth (they send out "voices"), if you wonder how we managed to connect to the Internet when there was no PC, if ...
En tant que professeure de français, Cathy Richard a le privilège de pouvoir assister à des conférences qui ont lieu dans des pays ou des régions francophones. En 2022, la conférence de l'AATF s'est déroulée à la Nouvelle Orléans et elle a eu le plaisir et la joie de comprendre un peu mieux l'histoire de cette belle région qu'est la ...
Come learn about the history of New Orleans and the incredible story of Creole women in Louisiana, during this interactive presentation by French teacher Cathy Richard.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Join us as we celebrate March, the month of la Francophonie all around the world. A community panel made up of guest speakers originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, France, Québec, and Rwanda will lead a discussion about the French-speaking experience in Maine. Reception to follow. To RSVP for this free event, please email: