Meet author Philippe Dewost

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Meet Philippe Dewost, author of "De Mémoire Vive-Une Histoire de l'Aventure Numérique" ("Random Access Memories (RAM)-A History of the Digital Adventure") "...if you don't understand why your children speak to their smartphone placed horizontally in front of their mouth (they send out "voices"), if you wonder how we managed to connect to the Internet when there was no PC, if ...


Famous Créole Women Through New Orleans History

Curtis Memorial Library 23 Pleasant St, Brunswick, ME, United States

En tant que professeure de français, Cathy Richard a le privilège de pouvoir assister à des conférences qui ont lieu dans des pays ou des régions francophones. En 2022, la conférence de l'AATF s'est déroulée à la Nouvelle Orléans et elle a eu le plaisir et la joie de comprendre un peu mieux l'histoire de cette belle région qu'est la ...

Famous Créole Women Through New Orleans History

Curtis Memorial Library 23 Pleasant St, Brunswick, ME, United States

Come learn about the history of New Orleans and the incredible story of Creole women in Louisiana, during this interactive presentation by French teacher Cathy Richard.


La Francophonie in Maine

USM's Lewiston campus 51 Westminster st, Lewiston, ME, United States

Qu’est-ce que c’est? Join us as we celebrate March, the month of la Francophonie all around the world. A community panel made up of guest speakers originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, France, Québec, and Rwanda will lead a discussion about the French-speaking experience in Maine. Reception to follow. To RSVP for this free event, please email:

French visit of the PMA!Visite du PMA en Français!

Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square, Portland

Venez découvrir ou re-découvrir le magnifique Musée des Beaux-Arts de Portland, en FRANCAIS! Une guide bilingue vous promènera autour des expositions du musée. Événement gratuit pour les membres de AFduME, mais il vous faut réserver votre place car le nombre de visiteurs dans le groupe est limité. Inscrivez-vous ici.

French visit of the PMA!

Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square, Portland

Come discover or re-discover the beautiful Portland Museum of Arts, in FRENCH! A bilingual docent will guide you around diverse exhibitions. This free event for members of AFduME requires you to sign up as places in the visiting group are limited.  


Festival Champlain

USM - Talbot Lecture Hall 85 Bedford Street, Portland, ME, United States

L’Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, le Consulat Général de France à Boston, le Consul honoraire du Maine, et l’Alliance Française du Maine, sont heureux d’annoncer la naissance du Festival Champlain. Un festival du cinéma francophone à Portland ayant pour objectif de célébrer 400 ans d’histoire et de Francophonie en Nouvelle Angleterre où 5% de la population parle le Français! La ...

Festival Champlain

USM - Talbot Lecture Hall 85 Bedford Street, Portland, ME, United States

The French Embassy in the United States, the Consulate General of France in Boston, the Maine Honorary Consul, and the Alliance Française du Maine, are excited to announce the first  Festival Champlain. The Champlain Film Festival seeks to enrich the cultural dynamic of New England by shining a spotlight on the region’s deep francophone heritage, particularly in Maine where 5% ...

“French All Around Us” — Meet the Authors

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We are excited to host the New England-based contributors to the new book "French All Around Us: French language and Francophone Culture in the United States", along with editors Kathleen Stein-Smith and Fabrice Jaumont. In this book, you will read stories that explain the history of French and of this language that is still alive in many regions of our ...


Bastille Day Celebration

Winslow Park 10 Winslow Park Way, Freeport, United States

Free event! We will meet at Winslow park at 6 pm, near the picnic tables, under the sign “Alliance Française du Maine”! Entrance fees vary according to your age: Directions here: