Lisa Scali
Regine Whittlesey
Acting Vice President
Camden Martin
Jacqueline Bucar
Alban Maino
Honorary Consul of France
Nathalie Gorey
Educational Director
Jacynthe Blais
Member of the board
Kareem Djerdjouri
Member of the board
Bernard Cabrera
Member of the board
Nicole Burnett
Member of the board
Founding Member: Marie-Gaelle Casset-Ford
The Alliance Francaise du Maine would not exist today if it wasn't for Marie-Gaelle. Merci Marie-Gaelle for all your contributions to our organization!
Marie-Gaëlle Casset-Ford, grew up between Paris and Brittany and lives in Maine where she founded her family. Mother of two young girls, she gave herself the mission of a bilingual, artistic and multicultural education that led her to the creation of a nursery school “La Petite Ecole”, founded in Portland in 2009 and then moved to South Portland in 2018. She is delighted to see a French Alliance in Portland bloom, to bring together an intercultural, Francophile and Francophone community.